3 Google Labs Features Worth Trying

Google has a pre-release workshop for experimental features. They call it Google Labs.

One the most recent features was “Undo Send” which was rolled out successfully. While others just disappear, some just come and go.

Yet it’s true that all of them will add some functionality to your inbox. In order to test them yourself, you have to go to Settings>Labs and enable the features that you want to try out.

Here are 3 of these Google Labs Features that you can try:

1: Quick Links

While there are a number of features for sorting or prioritizing email, the most effective and forgotten is Quic Links. This feature gives you a one-click connection to just about anything in the Gmail sidebar. When you enable this feature, you’ll find a box at the bottom left of your inbox. You can add an email just by opening the message and then clicking Add Quick Links. Enter an easily identifiable name for this message and click OK.

Technetnews12: Google Calendar gadget

When you enable the Google Calendar widget, you can see it on Gmail’s left menu bar and which will give you an at-a-glance view of upcoming events. Not only can you scroll through these days but you can add entries while viewing multiple calendars too. In fact, the next time you get an invite, you won’t even have to leave your inbox either.

3: Custom Keyboard Shortcuts

Clearly, power users use keyboard shortcuts and for this, Google offers a number of them too. Of course, if any of the in-built shortcuts don’t suit your style, then you can create your own. When you enable it, this will add a Keyboard Shortcuts tab to the Settings menu. Here, you can add shortcuts for a number of tasks such as navigation, starring and searching messages. Also, you can remap the default shortcuts if you’d like.