3 Apps to Help You Do Distraction-Free Work

There’s both an upside and downside to using computers in getting your work done. While it helps you in writing apart from doing a number of tasks, there are distractions such as YouTube, Facebook, games or for that matter, even Netflix streaming.

So, to counter this issue, developers are coming up with inventive ways to do work and that involves distraction-free work.

So, here are three apps, mostly for writing, that one can use and complete distraction-free work:

#1: FocusWriter

This text editor is for people who some self-discipline since it is a plain text editor in distraction-free mode which gives one the ability to set customizable themes, alarms, timers while also being able to set daily goals.

While it does take over the entire screen, you can easily quit by hitting File>Quit.

#2: Cold Turkey

If Facebook and Twitter are your main distractions, then you can try this app. While it isn’t necessarily a text editor, it will definitely prevent you from accessing certain sites during a work session.

It is free of cost but there is also a $15 version that will prevent you from accessing desktop software.

#3: FORCEdraft

This app will ensure that you complete a target of writing work based on the amount of words written or the amount of time spent. Once you open the app, it will lock everything else until you finish the target that you have set for the day. There is no menu option, secret key escape or the like.

Given the situation where you don’t set a goal, it will behave just like any other distraction-free text editor. All you have to do is select the app logo at the top of your screen and Save and Exit.