5 Common Tech Abbreviations To Get Started With

Writing an entire list of tech acronyms wouldn’t fit in one blog. In fact, one will have to write an entire book so as to cover all of them.

Yet the worst part would be that by the time it was finished, the terms would be considered out-of-date.

That said, here are 5 common tech abbreviations just to get you started:

#1: BIOS

Known as Basic Input/ Output System, this usually is a chip placed on the PC motherboard that helps your computer to boot. Apart from this, it helps both the software and hardware to communicate with each other.

#2: BSoD

Called the Blue Screen of Death which is used instead of “Stop Error” that Microsoft has for this type of issue. This issue actually has the PC user staring at a blue screen with white text displayed. You will have to restart your PC as a result.

#3: CPU

With the full form being Central Processing Unit, this is actually the main chip that all program including the important operating system. If you’ve got a sticker that says “Intel Inside”, it means that you have an Intel CPU. Also, this has nothing to do with the main box of a desktop computer.

#4: HDD

Known as hard disk drive, this is a common storage device which has spinning disks and is sealed inside a dust-free container.

#5: LAN

In short for Local Area Network, it is a network that which connects computers and devices that are near each other in your office or at home. That said, every computer that is connected to your router is connected to your LAN.